
a private & selective fantroll musing blog.
rebranded once again nov. 2022.
owned and operated by chiron.

> Rules.

chiron | 31 | they/he | black

ONE. hey, i'm chiron (shy-roan). i've been in and out of this community for my entire adult life and then some. it isn't something i'm proud to admit, but. here i am, rebranding. this blog as more of a hub.i prefer doing the actual rping on discord or pesterchum. ask box games and typical blog shit will still happen on the blog. i'm also okay with chatting out plots and dynamics instead of rping. just know that i work full time and go to college, so i can't dedicate my every waking moment to rping murder aliens.

TWO. no freaks allowed. my policy for racists, homophobes, transphobes, antisemites, islamophobes, pedophiles, and other unsavoury times is zero tolerance. i will exercise my self-given right to pretend it is the early 2000s and cyberbully you in front of god and the whole of tumblr dot com.

THREE. my blog is private and selective. this means i am not affiliated with any particular rp group and that i only write with the homies and my mutuals.i tend to follow based on two things: vibe potential and, of course, writing potential. i'm sorry, but we won't be rping if i'm doing things on a "realistically expanded upon alternian society" basis and you're doing "seadwellers are absolute woobies and not part of an oppressive class, actually."

FOUR. i do my best to carefully curate who i follow and interact with! however, i'm not familiar with the skeletons everyone has got in their closet. don't hesitate to let me know if someone i'm interacting with is a freak.this does not mean knocking on my door to tell me to stop interacting with someone because you're a grown ass adult maintaining beef you had with someone since before your frontal lobe was even developed. i'm not going into years old he said, she said with any of you.having beef doesn't inherently mean someone is problematic; sometimes people don't mesh right. that is not something to start a world war over, which is something we all know people in this community have done a million times when they could've just said, "hey, this isn't working out. i'm going to bounce."sidenote: i'm going to softblock if you are not a fantroll blog. if you keep your fantrolls on the side, it would be great if you had a link to it on your main. or a link on your troll blog to the main. just anything connecting the two, this has been an ongoing issue for years and it has such a simple solution! otherwise, i'm just going to get weirded out and softblock.

FIVE. this blog is eighteen and up. hell, i'm even iffy on eighteen year olds. they can follow, but that doesn't mean a follow back or interaction. i don't plan on writing straight up uncensored filth on the dash, but i do sometimes hit up the old objectification beam when it comes to my characters for a jape. anyway, i'm not engaging with anyone born after 2001 in any form of nsfw topics.i don't care if so and so says you are mature for you age. the only people who say that kind of shit are freaks and you should hit the bricks. this is my wisdom.

SIX. we're writing characters that come from a violent, warring race that goes around the galaxy colonizing other planets. i'm going to be writing my trolls to reflect the fact that alternia is hellbaby murder planet. not all of them are nice. some of them are just downright mean and unpleasant and have straight up committed murder.there will be depictions of canon-typical violence sometimes. this doesn't mean you cannot let me know if my troll's in character words or actions are making you uncomfortable out of character. if things get too much, i'm fine with pausing to negotiate how we will be moving forward. communicate with me.

SEVEN. if we are mutuals, you are free to ask me for my discord. if we happen to be in a server together, you don't even have to ask, just add me and slide into my dms. within this mutualship, i would greatly appreciate it if you tagged the following: #csa, #animal abuse, #deep sea creatures, #shotacon, #lolicon, and #pedophilia. of course, i will do the same and tag things for you in kind.

EIGHT. all artistic depictions of my characters are done by yours truly unless stated otherwise. it goes without saying i don't want my shit traced, edited, or reposted.


> Worldbuilding.

When I'm feeling less lazy, this page will contain some general headcanons that I maintain in the worldbuildng for my trolls. And some of the locations I've created! Don't worry, I'm not into anything out of pocket like those heat cycle weirdos from back in the day.My main inspirations come from a variety of genres like existential horror, urban fantasy, space operas, and cyberpunk!

> Select.

After a lot of thinking, I decided I'm going to prioritize some of my newer trolls and concepts. Profiles are in the works. I'm still weighing whether or not I feel like keeping the profiles I do have or making an On Demand/By Special Request page, if there's anyone interested in them. I still love my older trolls, but I want to dip around in other sandboxes!!!The emojis are by Mothcharm and are placeholders, btw. (11/08/2022)


Incomplete. On the run AWOL cerulean soldier laying low in Lower Glossolalia and saving up to move to a space station with his moirail. Enjoys illegal space racing as a hobby for extra scratch. Mostly does assorted tasks and odd jobs for money. Considering an OnlyFiends account. He'd make a killing shaking his cakes for money, tbh.

Incomplete. The mutant moirail and reason Rallis is on the run. Helming left her body FUBAR, so she Vtubes for a living.

Enjoys illegal space racing for a living. Anon, like using bright purple for fun. Insert Racer X joke here. Probably leads some kind of double life, I'm still deciding.

Incomplete. That's not their name, obvi. This is a hot off the presses new concept. They're part of a big pack of roving nomads that transport and smuggle things across Alternia's dangerous deserts. Rust/bronze cusp. Rust on ID.

> Select.




> Be the exemplary heir.

Your name is SAMIRA VERSET and you aren't a regular descendant, you're THE PERFECT ONE.Some might say that knowing one's own ancestor is a MAJOR INCONVENIENCE or even compare it to some kind of curse. You, on the other hand, simply would not exist if they did not receive funding to MIX TOGETHER THE PERFECT SLURRY to create a troll with so much psychic potential that they'd be a MOST VALUABLE ASSET to your sect, THE CHURCH OF YOUR CREATOR HASN'T NAMED IT YET. They are best known for producing some of the best LAUGHSASSINS Alternia as ever seen.Needless to say, you were raised with HIGH EXPECTATIONS to meet and you faced them without hesitation. You have the kind of confidence of someone that came into this world knowing your PURPOSE. That purpose being SERVING THE MIRTHFUL MESSIAHS and TAKING PART IN SIGNIFICANT COURT CASES.You're obviously no Legislacerator. Your job is simply to make sure the cases swing in a direction that PLEASE THE EMPIRE AND YOUR SECT. The psionics they produced you for allow you to MANIPULATE EMOTIONS AND CONTROL MINDS, among other things. Sometimes the one thing keeping a rebel from facing the punishment they deserve is a gentle push to get them to confess an intention to BURN DOWN A CAVERN THAT PRODUCES HIGHBLOODS or something. They never know what hit 'em, you're just another face in the crowd. In other sorts of cases, well, LEGISLACERATORS HATE YOU. It doesn't help that they never know when some clown is going to show up, too.The other work you carry out isn't something that comes up as often, but your sect made sure you were trained, like anyone else, to CARRY OUT LAUGHSASSINATIONS. It's easy to gain someone's trust and get close to them. Most trolls, EVEN OTHER CLOWNS, assume you were simply hatched to be a pretty face or honeypot meant to exist as PROPAGANDA to get others into the church. It's a half truth, but one you're thankful for when no one EXPECTS YOUR ARMS TO UNFOLD INTO BLADES.In your free time, you enjoy GARDENING and having an interesting SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE. Including SCRIPTURE or FEATURING YOUR AERIAL LYRA PROWESS is enough for your sect to let this one slide. What they don't approve of is you reposting old duet performances with your ex-matesprit that DEFECTED FROM THE SECT to join another that is more, to politely put it, lax in their practice and tolerant of lowbloods. Ew.For interviews, work, conversation, and all other means of contact alike, you can be hit up at mellifluousQuintessence.

> basics.

NAME. samira verset.
TAG. mellifluousQuintessence
AGE. 16 sweeps.
DOB. march 12th.
GENDER. ciswoman.
PRONOUNS. she/her.
ORIENTATION. bisexual.
CASTE. indigo (##4C2365).
SIGN. catena.
LUSUS. terraturtlemom.

> Internal.

MAJOR ARCANA. temperance.
MINOR ARCANA. three of swords.
ALIGNMENT. lawful evil.
TEMPERAMENT. melancholic.
ENNEAGRAM. type 3, the achiever.

> Physical.

PHYSIQUE. exactly six feet and four inches tall, samira's build is a bit more firm than one would expect. not so much to the point it doesn't have any give when prodded at, but most people don't expect her to have the amount of muscle she does. she's quite shapely as well; kind of an uneven hour glass if the bottom were just slightly wider than the top. most of her strength is in her core and legs from all her aerial training.
HAIR. long and typical troll black. naturally 3c and full of thick, bouncy curls, but she regularly straightens it with heat. it reaches just below her mid-back at full length.
EYES. perfectly normal indigo eyes with slit pupils. sometimes they go completely black when she's using her abilities.
TATTOOS. that's between her and the messiahs.
SCARS. only one of note. it's an impressive scar running diagonally down her right cheek. it starts at her ear, then stops an inch or so down from there, pointing downwards.
PIERCINGS. both lobes are pierced twice, her right has a third up in the cartilage. right nostril.
AUGMENTATIONS. both her arms from the elbow down were replaced with cybernetic limbs with hidden blades installed in each of them. they're built to look seemless and have a layer of realistic-looking skin. when in use, they unfold like mantis arms. the only thing giving them away are the connecting cuffs that look like gold bands on her upper arms.
FASHION SENSE. samira's sect has unique rules about vanity. they require that her outfits are solid black and not especially ostentatious, but she finds way to push these rules. usually with layers of lace, some velvet, or perhaps designer heels. it's upper glossolalia, she can't be too drab. she's most often seen in formfitting skirts and dresses. no number of rules will keep her from simple, while still statement making, gold jewelry. she grew a penchant for large gardening hats from a certain old lady. if she isn't wearing her paint, she will perhaps attach a veil.

> Skills & Abilities.

  • EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION. exactly as it says on the tin. often used when manipulating court cases to get people on the stand to act erratically.

  • HALLUCINATION INDUCEMENT. if playing with emotions doesn't work, this is the next step. she's also been trained to use it in performances and combat situations.

  • MIND READING. she has to get in there and find out what makes people tick somehow.

  • MIND CONTROL. the most complex out of all her skills. it isn't used very often because beginning to puppet someone around requires a lot of regular exposure and rooting around their head. when it's put to use, it's typically tied in with a good ole long con to get rid of someone without anyone being the wiser it was a laughsassin's work.







> Relationships.



> Hooks.

Come back with a warrant.
Still thinking about these, but I KNOW I would love for her to know other clowns, legislacerators, and assorted fleet trolls. :)

> Misc.

I'll link to things like a playlist and Pinterest board someday in the near future. :v

> Be the enterprising psychic.

Your name is DELPHI VITALE and you are known for being a guy that’s NOT VERY GREAT AT TELLING FORTUNES.It’s always a funny thing for anyone new to your shop to hear, seeing how it’s long-confirmed that you possess CLAIRVOYANCE. What makes you a “bad psychic” is that you TELL THE TRUTH. No one goes to get their cards spread or palm read without the expectation of something FANCIFUL THEY CAN ROMANTICIZE FOR NIGHTS ON END, but that’s not what they get when they schedule a session with you.Anyone can spin a yarn, you’ve got an employee in your shop to do just that! But not everyone can look someone in the eyes and tell them THAT THEY NEED TO GET THEIR SHIT TOGETHER OR FACE BEING AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING LOSER FOR THE REST OF THEIR NATURAL FUCKING LIFE. The handful of regulars you do have, however, value you greatly and schedule readings IN ADVANCE. You only do readings by APPOINTMENT ONLY.Unfortunately for you, being a bad psychic means that fortunes DON’T ALWAYS PAY THE BILLS. In order to keep the books in the black, you also provide services for REPAIRING ELECTRONICS. It’s where the electronics of DELPHI ELECTRONICS comes from.If someone is looking for affordable husktop repair from one of the FEW RESPECTABLE ESTABLISHMENTS IN YOUR AREA, they can run by your store. If they’re also thinking about a reading, they can get one from one of your employees. If they’re feeling special, they can even try to schedule one with you. But if they’re feeling especially special, they can attempt to contact your directly at unsoughtLachesism.

> Be malcontent anarchist.

Your name is PTOLEM VALENS. If it were possible to get all your identities in order to assemble a full and complete record of all your highly illegal acts, you’d have ENOUGH CULLING SENTENCES TO BURN DOWN A WHOLE CAVERN OF GRUBS.You’re one of FOUR LEADERS of a hemorebellious network simply known as THE CABAL. You keep your activities hidden and covered with the help of A SMALL SHOP LOCATED IN THE BOTTOM PART OF THE STACKS. It’s operated by some of the YOUNG PSIONICS you scooped up and GAVE NEW, FRUITFUL LIVES working for you.You stand out from your fellow leaders due to the sheer fact that NOT ALL YOUR WORK CAN BE CONSIDERED PHILANTHROPIC. One of your significant jobs is SELLING EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS THAT CAN ENHANCE OR DIMINISH PSI. They are simply called psiUp and psiDown. Your customer base consists of trolls that are INCONVENIENCED OR ADDLED by their abilities. While your work ISN’T SMILED UPON, what with the DEPENDENCE some may grow on the drug, it is ACCEPTED. These drugs are hard to come by and any other troll would PRICE THEM AT THE COST OF AN ARM OR A LEG.You also work in INTEL, ARMS RUNNING, and, damn, PRETTY MUCH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THE OTHER THREE WON’T DO. These criminal activities of yours PAY FOR THE THREE OF THEM TO CARRY ON WITH THEIR OWN WORK. On a good night, you’re even able to LIVE UP TO YOUR TAG, traducingSaboteur.

> basics.

NAME. delphi vitale | ptolem valens.
TAG. unsoughtLachesism | traducingSaboteur.
AGE. 15 sweeps.
DOB. january 2nd.
GENDER. transmasc nonbinary.
PRONOUNS. he/they.
ORIENTATION. bisexual.
CASTE. lime (#B4DA55) anon (#696969).
SIGN. fire.
LUSUS. scytheweaselmom, deceased.

> Internal.

MAJOR ARCANA. the magician.
MINOR ARCANA. king of swords.
ALIGNMENT. chaotic fuck.
TEMPERAMENT. choleric.
ENNEAGRAM. type 8, the challenger.

> Physical.

PHYSIQUE. standing at six feet and eleven inches, ptolem is one impressive sentient vine. he has the appearance of generally looking healthy until you get up under his shirt. a diet mostly consisting of smoothies is keeping him going, but he's aware he needs to get some more meat on his bones. he's recently been making an effort to fill out more with a bit of success.
HAIR. black and short with a bit of a wave to it. usually kept with the sides shaved and just enough on the top to flop around. will sometimes let it grow out long enough to pull into a short ponytail.
EYES. he's been told he has vaporwave psi eyes. the left is bright magenta and the right is a neon purple. his pupils, when visible, are naturally slit.
TATTOOS. simple lineworks of the alchemical symbols for the elements going diagonally down the left side of his ribs; all are black except for the symbol for fire, which is done in bright candy red. an american traditional style white oleander flower over his heart. old "lucky you" stick and poke written in alternian on the area between his groin and right thigh. a variety of very old stick and poke doodles here and there.
SCARS. a lot of his flesh is pretty badly burned. he makes it a point to take care of his skin, so much of it has healed very smoothly. however, those who have seen what's under his clothes can most definitely tell he's been through some shit. the burns are worse on his right side, then are less so on his left. down his back is a nasty work of wounds from the dangerous procedure of getting his ship ports removed.
PIERCINGS. two piercings in his left lobe, one in his right, tongue.
AUGMENTATIONS. fully articulated and connected to his nervous system are a cybernetic right arm, the whole of his right leg, and his left from the knee down. ports in the back of his neck and the left side of his forehead for interfacing with rigs and computers. ear implants. reinforced organs and spine. his purple psi eye is cybernetic, too, but is a perfect replica of the original visually.
FASHION SENSE. typical cyberpunk meets streetwear look for him. he makes it a point to dress in a way that makes him blend with any other asshole in lower glossolalia. palette is usually all black everything with candy red accents. almost always covering his face in some way, be it with a smog mask and overpriced sunglasses or a high tech helmet to interface with. he's partial to the ones that let him project emojis. his collection of boots is especially impressive.

> Skills & Abilities.

  • CLAIRVOYANCE. he can look into the future and track up to three different timelines and/or people at once. the more context he has for something, the more accurate his visions.

  • TELEKINESIS. more accurate than it is strong. he can type or put a ship in a bottle together without any issue, but he can't throw heavy things around without strain.

  • PSIONIC ENERGY MANIPULATION. it manifests like a vaporwave aurora.







  • Expert PIANIST. Not relevant, but a little fun fact. B)

> Relationships.


one night ptolem was getting into his usual internet fight with his favourite tyrian connect. then the next, the seadweller was at his door and in his bed. then his kitchen, his bathroom, his weed garden, and his honey hives. all val does is cause problems on purpose and not pay a caegar of rent. not that ptolem's complaining. it's good to keep a princeling around, but whether that good will come to fruition remains to be seen. he's at least good for the occasional gun run. now if only he'd bottom.

> Hooks.

THE ORACLE'S REGULARS. delphi needs his regulars! his readings are very exclusive, very expensive, and are taken by appointment only. he's a busy guy and there is nothing more important to him than his time. if you're bold enough to try to get his read on something without an appointment, you better have something impressive on your hands.

BOTTOMSIDE LOCAL. the bottoms is largely left to its own devices. that makes it a geat place to lay low and try to live your life how you want it, but that means people in the community have to keep shit functioning. delphi is one of these people in his sector and is known for getting things done with more frequency than the other community leaders. if you want to play someone living in the bottoms, they can know him from this.

FELLOW MEMBER OF THE REBELLION. ptolem has several hemorebel deep web networks in rotation and co-runs one of his own. it does good to have fellow associates with their fingers in pies he doesn't have his own in. i think these kinds of connections have the potential to be the most varied, given how unique hemorebel ideologies can be.

SOME MONEY UNDER THE TABLE. these individuals are legitimate empire connections that were heavily vetted, possibly under a different alias. ptolem pays them for a variety of goods and services; usually information, sometimes favours. he's definitely got a few under his thumb via blackmail.

A TEMPORARY HIRE. exactly as it says on the time. it isn't uncommon for our guy here, as either ptolem or delphi, to hire on temporary help. as delphi, it's usually someone else to help with the electronics. besides him, there's only one other troll working that side of the shot and help during peak season for buying quads a good, used husktop or grubphone. as ptolem, he's usually looking for someone to gather information where one of his own usual hires can't. the pay is always good and he's prone to hiring again if the quality of work is up to snuff.

> Misc.

> Be the golden touch.

Your name is ELIONN SUILIN (everyone calls you ELI) and maybe, just maybe, having your life carefully orchestrated by a == MALCONTENT CLAIRVOYANT WITH A REBELLIOUS AGENDA== was not the worst thing that could possibly happen to you. He really had you in the first half, but he came through. Still deserved that BAT TO THE GUT, THOUGH. Definitely deserved that.For a yellowblood, you live a MOSTLY COMFORTABLE life. You’re able to make a living by using your PSYCHOMETRIC ABILITIES to provide investigative services to the people of GLOSSOLALIA and whoever can PAY WELL ENOUGH for you and your boss to take your business outside city limits. The Empire may see you as office supplies, but all you see are the CAEGARS stacking up in your account and a view of a slightly less dangerous than usual alleyway from the fire escape balcony of your COZY HIVESTEM UNIT.Your work primarily consists of sifting through EVIDENCE BOXES with your RETROCOGNITIVE PSYCHOMETRICS to collect memories off of it. Boss built you a UNIQUE RIG that transcribes information from everything you touch. The investigation business is considered an INTERESTING EXPANSION to Lower Glossolalia’s Delphi Electronics. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, you’ll go downstairs into the shop to do readings as well. Mostly PALMISTRY AND TAROT. In truth, it is all a cover up for acts under the PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED rebellious agenda.When you aren’t working, you like to BAIT BLUEBLOODS into providing you with goods and services. It is something you picked up at a MUCH TOO YOUNG AGE. Unfortunately, having spent most of your life with nothing, it is likely a hobby that will stick with you for fear that you will NEVER KNOW when you might be broke again.Some of your other interests include: WRITING POETRY you will never let anyone read, just to get drunk and post it on message boards. RIDING YOUR LONGBOARD with your lusus at your side, a wrigglerhood hobby you long forgot until you were gifted with one. Joining your TINY ARMY OF CATS in their judgmental stare wars against the cats on the fire escape balcony on the building across the street from yours. Learning how to BOX and LIFT WEIGHTS because you need an outlet that's better than self destruction.Most importantly, to the surprise of your boss after a chaotic incident with an air fryer, picking up the BASS GUITAR again for the first time since you came under his employ. You missed it.Like any other young, healthy troll, you spend a decent chunk of your time online. For a VERBAL ASS KICKING, you can be found at seraphicPortent.

> basics.

NAME. elionn suilin.
ALIAS. sybile oranna.
TAG. seraphicPortent.
AGE. 10 sweeps.
DOB. november 13th.
GENDER. nonbinary.
PRONOUNS. they/them.
ORIENTATION. bisexual.
CASTE. yellow (#D4902C)
SIGN. insight.
LUSUS. badgerdogdad.

> Internal.

MAJOR ARCANA. the high priestess.
MINOR ARCANA. page of cups.
ALIGNMENT. true neutral sun, chaotic neutral rising.
TEMPERAMENT. phlegmatic.
ENNEAGRAM. type 4, the individualist.

> Physical.

PHYSIQUE. five feet and two inches. do not bring attention to it. pear shaped and soft all over with noticeable squishiness and their middle area, yet pretty strong arms and thighs.
HAIR. typical troll black, just a mess of inconsistent textures and curl patterns wrangled to resemble some kind of organization. usually worn down, clipped back, or half up. it reaches just below their shoulders in its natural state.
EYES. regular chrome shade rather than the psi eyes yellows are generally known for. has central heterochromia around each of their pupils that's a slight shade brighter.
TATTOOS. american traditional crystal ball on inner right wrist, alchemical symbols on each of their knuckles; all are black except for fire, which is done in bright candy red.
SCARS. a fairly recent bullet graze on their upper left arm, it healed over smoothly. some pretty decent bang ups on their knees from their amateur craege's list detective nights.
PIERCINGS. double cartilage in each ear, both lobes, left nostril.
AUGMENTATIONS. ports for interfacing with rigs and computers going down their neck and spine. one port directly behind their right ear for the same purpose, but also connects to their personal memory bank.
FASHION SENSE. 90s coziness. lots of layered pieces and jewelry. comfortable boots, vans, and slides. just so, so many button downs and sweaters. the odd pair of overalls here and there. they will single-handedly bring back the solid long sleeve under a camisole or spaghetti strap dress, even if it kills them. one cannot possibly fathom the number of leggings they have gone through. loves mix matching ear cuffs and earrings. almost always seen wearing a smart watch that interfaces with their nullifier and their evil eye necklace.

> Skills & Abilities.

  • PSYCHOMETRY. retrocognitive, used for picking up memories off of objects, people, etc. they rely on an internal nullifier in one of their ports to turn it on and off. otherwise, they succumb to seizures and can potentially expire if they get overstimulated.

  • AURA READING. with some concentration, they can read a troll's aura. the aura provides info on caste, general well-being, and whether or not the troll is a psionic. they use this pretty sparingly and have no motivation to outside of work. they believe in minding the business that minds them.

  • ENHANCED AWARENESS. think of it like the walmart version of the spidey sense. they know if someone is staring at them from far away and have decent enough reflexes to get out of the way of a projectile, but they aren't dodging bullets.

  • TELEKINESIS. it isn't very strong. the heaviest thing they can lift is their small glass accent table.

  • PSIONIC ENERGY MANIPULATION. it manifests as gold flames. if they concentrate, they can create sick fires. it isn't a true flame, just heat from concentrated energy creating enough of a spark to start trouble.








  • CAN ACTIVATE AGGRO IN A SINGLE PHRASE. yes, this is a notable skill.

> Relationships.


What started off as gnawing on each other, gossiping, and sharing gross bulge pics turned into a genuine relationship. Eli and Ori are ash in everything but name. All it takes is someone with a pair of eyes to see that they like to wear the other's chrome and are elbow deep in each other's affairs. For some, namely Eli, that's all that's needed. They haven't had a real quadrant since their ex, Antari Kardia, and the pace they're working at with Ori is comfortable.

> Hooks.

CRAEGE'S LISTING. before eli had a legitimate job, they would go onto craege's list and get up into all kinds of amateur psychic detective antics. it isn't something they actively do anymore, but sometimes trolls, primarily former customers, still hit up their tag or old ad. with ($) the ($) right ($) motivation ($), they might hear the troll out to figure out what they need looked into.BAITED BLUE. eli used to be in a messy matespritship with a ceruleanblood named antari kardia. he was a well-known troll for his participating in a show that was battle royale meets survivor meets hunger games. he was also pretty damn known for being a dick, even among ceruleanbloods. after he ascended, eli started to sift through his contacts to play poor, sad warmblood to get money or clamazon purchases. this would eventually expand into them rolling the dice in random chat encounters or pay to chat sites. they're exceptional at pitch4pay. bluebaiting doesn't stop at bluebloods, they'll go after anyone in the colder castes (excluding seadwellers) if they feel they can get something out of the interaction.FRIEND OF THE BOSS. this one is a bundled special because it'd require also being friends with ptolem and/or delphi. it is exactly as it says on the tin. however, it will require some hashing out because it is super rare that eli is introduced to other rebels. it's too risky. eli's not only squishy, but a very valuable psychic to have around. the last thing either of them wants to deal with is an abduction. scooping eli was already damn hard and ptolem doesn't want to do that shit all over again. if the troll is just someone they know through delphi electronics business, things are less intense because they're likely to just be a customer and not, you know, a war criminal.SKATE OR DIE!!! eli's a pretty avid longboarder! having picked it up for the first time in sweeps, they are determined to skate the sickest spots. and, sometimes, the true joy in skating is the friends you make along the way. or enemies. or frenemies. or amicable individuals trying to tear up the same pavement and respectfully keeping distance as to not snake each other, potentially resulting in injury. what i'm saying is, eli could very much use some friends who enjoy standing on a board connected to some wheels. or even friends that put wheeled boots on their feet! checking out local skate scenes is one of their favourite parts of traveling for work.UNSOLICITED CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. this is a wildcard. eli is a gremlin at times and will say shit just to start something. usually it's shreddit message boards. sometimes it is in random trollian encounters when things go left. hell, sometimes they offer a free reading and use that as a chance to dig into someone if the cards are roasting them hard enough. eli is ready to go toe to toe! on the internet.

> Misc.